Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Pope and his Temporal Power
The idol-worshipping Pope of Rome claims he has the right to rule every government of the world. The Jesuit Order enforces this right “by any means necessary,” for “the ends justify the means.” Today in America Pope Benedict XVI rules the government in Washington, D.C., the city rightly nicknamed “Rome on the Potomac.” Pope Benedict, subject to the oversight of Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolas, directs the domestic and foreign policy of the American Empire through the Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, D.C., and Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York City. Archbishop Wuerl is overseen by the Jesuits of Georgetown University and Archbishop Dolan is overseen by the Jesuits of Fordham University. It is this papal apparatus that directs the policies of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Rockefeller-created Trilateral Commission. These “trusted third parties” then direct the domestic and foreign policies of every presidential administration—republican or democrat—from the vaginally-shaped “Oval Office” of the Virgin Mary in the “West Wing” of the Jesuit Andrew “White House.”
Mulatto Barry Davis Soetero Hussein Obama, the Muslim, Socialist-Communist and alleged President of the United States, is the front man. The real powerbroker behind the puppet is White Roman Catholic, Vice President Joe Biden. Biden has honorary degrees from two Jesuit universities: St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and the University of Scranton, both institutions being in Pennsylvania. Every bill Obama signs is attended by his White master, Joe Biden. What Tumulty was to Wilson; what Bormann was to Hitler; what Poskrebyshev was to Stalin; what Tacchi-Venturi was to Mussolini; Biden is to Obama. This is the Pope’s Temporal Power structure now in effect in 14th Amendment America.
The following quote taken from the post below further sustains the above contention—that the Pope of Rome has the right to rule the world:
“Tell us we are Catholics first and Americans or Englishmen afterwards; of course we are. Tell us, in the conflict between the church and the civil government we take the side of the church; of course we do. Why, if the government of the United States were at war with the church, we would say tomorrow, to hell with the government of the United States; and if the church and all the governments of the world were at war, we would say, to hell with all the governments of the world. * * * Why is it that in this country where we have only seven per cent of the population, the Catholic church is so much feared? She is loved by all her children and feared by everybody. Why is it the Pope has such tremendous power? Why, the Pope is the ruler of the world. All the emperors, all the kings, all the princes, all the presidents of the world are as these altar boys of mine. The Pope is the ruler of the world.”
Source: The Western Watchman, a paper published in St. Louis by Father D. S. Phelan, June 27th, 1912.
“67. … the hand of God, who guides the course of history, has set down the Chair of His Vicar on earth, in this city of Rome which, from being the capital of the wonderful Roman Empire, was made by Him the capital of the whole world, because He made it the seat of a sovereignty which, since it extends beyond the confines of nations and states, embraces within itself all the peoples of the whole world. The very origin and divine nature of this sovereignty demands, the inviolable rights of conscience of millions of the faithful of the whole world demand that this sacred sovereignty must not be, neither must it ever appear to be, subject to any human authority or law whatsoever, even though that law be one which proclaims certain guaranties for the liberty of the Roman Pontiff.”
Source: Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Letter UBI ARCANO DEI CONSILIO (On the Peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ), December 23, 1922.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Club of Romes Nazi Environmentalism to murder humanity
The main purpose of the Club of Rome is to formulate crisis, through which the world can be "united" under a world government. As the "Elite" would say, global problems requiring global solutions. The elites think that in searching for a new enemy to unite us, they came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit their agenda, of a New World Order, one world government, their excuse is all the above crisis are caused by human intervention, meaning humanity as a whole is destroying the earth, when in fact they are destroying the earth with their prescribed crisis, via HAARP, Scaler Technology, laser weather warfare, wars, orchestrated famines, due to weather manipulation. According to these Elites the Real enemy is humanity itself, excluding them of course, now that they own all the worlds intrinsic wealth, they want the planet for themselves excepting a 500,000 slave population to serve their needs world wide.. Ted Turner, another Knight of Malta, CFR member, and Trilateralist and SMOM Elitist believes " A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal, he stated this publicaly in 1996. Maurice Strong stated that "Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class-involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work place air conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable.. It is quite evident looking around today they intend to bring these ideology's about.. They are destroying the Global economy with these Agendas. George H. W. Bush brought forth Agenda 21, the Agenda for the 21st Century, He signed America up for this Agenda in 1992 at Rio. He forgot to ask we the people about this agenda. The United Nations Agenda 21 outlines the globalist plan for a completely managed global society, all under the auspices of the United Nations. Agenda 21 will, and has been since 1993 when Clinton issued it as and executive order, set new global requirements for how people will be required to live, eat, travel, learn and communicate. This has been and still is being sold to the public under the guise of we must protect mother ghia, saving mother earth. Excerpted from the 40 page document called the Earth Summit-Agenda 21 the United Nations Programme of action from Rio, is "Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society unlike anything the world has ever experienced..(Perhaps the world has not, unfortunately many nations in history did experience these events, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Marxism never changes they just keep repainting it.) a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern be integrated into individual and collective decision making at every level." Under the new system to come private property ownership is to be eliminated, as well as personal vehicle ownership, guns are not allowed in the public hands, only the guards will have guns, tasers, hand cuffs, cages...People will be herded into cities, this economy collapse which is and orchestrated event is causing this now, many people have moved to the cities seeking work, food, shelter. Eventually all people will be removed from the rural lands which sit in the planned Wilding lands and those lands will be off limits to humans period..The people will be told they must live in compact cities, which are human habitat areas. These items are outlined in the United Nations Documents, this is their plan for North America.. “It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance.” George H.W. Bush addressing the General Assembly of the U.N, February 1, 1992. Sounds like we surrender to me except the deceivers in D.C. forgot to tell us to our faces, we must find out via researching to understand what they have done to us, and these lands. Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, for the 21st Century, Environmentalism's great lie, the most ingenious evil of all evils, this trojan horse, get the nations peoples to fight over what they all care for, and all the while steal it from them all.. World Communism will not last, it shall bring on the war of all wars..WWIII.. It has started. Read on > Who pulls the strings of environmental groups? The establishment figures who fund and control it -- from England's Prince Phillip and the Netherlands' Prince Bernhard, to U.S. corporate funders like Robert O. Anderson.
Who Owns the Environmentalist Movement?
Far from a grass roots movement, envronmentalism is a big business, funded and directed by the leading families of the U.S. and European establishments
This article is adapted from Chapter 10 of the Holes in the Ozone Scare: The Scientific Evidence That the Sky Isn't Falling, published in June 1992 by 21st Century and now in its second printing.
Twenty-five years ago, those who believed that Mother Nature comes first and humankind second were part of an insignificant fringe, considered radical by most Americans. These environmentalists were visible mostly at the level of the antinuclear street demonstration, where marijuana smoke wafted around "Back To Nature" posters on display. Today, however, what used to be extremist "environmentalist" ideology has become mainstream, permeating American institutions at every level, from corporate boardrooms to the Federal Reserve, the Congress, the White House, the churches, homes and schools.
Official lore from the environmental movement's publications asserts that the movement emerged from the grass roots. The truth, however, is that funding and policy lines comes from the most prestigious institutions of the Eastern Liberal Establishment, centered around the New York Council on Foreign Relations, and including the Trilateral commission, the Aspen Institute, and a host of private family foundations.
No U.N.This network of foundations created environmentalism, moving it from a radical fringe movement into a mass movement to support the institutionalization of antiscience, no-growth policies at all levels of government and public life. As prescribed in the Council on Foreign Relations 1980s Project book series, environmentalism has been used against America's economy, against such targets as high-technology agriculture and the nuclear power industry. This movement is fundamentally a green pagan religion in its outlook. Unless defeated, it will destroy not only the economy, but also the Judeo-Christian culture of the United States, and has in fact come perilously close to accomplishing this objective already.
The vast wealth of the environmentalist groups may come as a shock to most readers who believe that these groups are made up of "public interest", "nonprofit" organizations that are making great sacrifices to save the Earth from a looming doomsday caused by man's activities. In fact, the environmental movement is one of the most powerful and lucrative businesses in the world today.
Funding from the Foundations
There are several thousand groups in the United States today involved in "saving the Earth". Although all share a common philosophy, these groups are of four general types: those concerned, respectively with environmental problems, population control, animal rights, and land trusts. Most of these groups are very secretive about their finances, but there is enough evidence on the public record to determine what they are up to.
Table 1 lists the annual revenues of a sampling of 30 environmental groups. These few groups alone had revenues of more than $1.17 billion in 1990. This list, it must be emphasized, by no means includes all of these envirobusinesses. It is estimated that there are more than 3,000 so-called nonprofit environmental groups in the United States today, and most of them take in more than a million dollars a year.
The Global Tomorrow Coalition, for example, is made up of 110 environmental and population-control groups, few of which have revenues less than $3 million per year and land holdings of more than 6 million acres worth billions of dollars, is just the best known of more than 900 land trusts now operating in the United States.
Table 2, lists the grants of 35 foundations to two heavily funded and powerful environmentalist groups -- the Environmental Defense Fund and the Natural Resources Defense Council -- for the year 1988.
The data available from public sources show that the total revenues of the environmentalist movement are more than $8.5 billion per year. If the revenues of law firms involved in environmental litigation and of university environmental programs were added on, this figure would easily double to more than $16 billion a year. This point is emphasized in Table 3, which lists the top 15 environmental groups receiving grants for environmental lawsuits and protection and education programs.
To get an idea of how much money this is, the reader should consider that this income is larger than the Gross National Product (GNP) of 56 underdeveloped nations (Table 4). The 48 nations for which the latest GNP figures were available have a total population of more than 360 million human beings. Ethiopia, for example, with a population of 47.4 million human beings, many starving, has a GNP of only $5.7 billion per year. Somalia, with 5.9 million inhabitants, has a GNP that is lower than the revenues of those groups listed in Table 1. Not a single nation in Central America or the Caribbean has a GNP greater than the revenues of the U.S. environmental movement.
With these massive resources under its control, it is no surprise that the environmentalist movement has been able to set the national policy agenda. There is no trade association in the world with the financial resources and power to match the vast resources of the environmental lobby. In addition, it has the support of most of the news media. Opposing views and scientific refutations of environmental scares are most often simply blacked out.
Where do the environmental groups get their money? Dues from members represent an average of 50 percent of the income of most groups; most of the rest of the income comes from foundation grants, corporate contributions, and U.S. government funds. Almost every one of today's land-trust, environmental, animal-rights, and population-control groups was created with grants from one of the elite foundations, like the Ford foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. These "seed grants" enable the radical groups to become established and start their own fundraising operations. These grants are also a seal-of-approval for the other foundations.
The foundations also provide funding for special projects. For example, the Worldwatch Institute received $825,000 in foundation grants in 1988. Almost all of that money was earmarked specifically for the launching of a magazine, World Watch, which has become influential among policy-makers, promoting the group's antiscience and antipopulation views. The Worldwatch Institute's brochures report that it was created by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund to "alert policy makers and the general public to emerging global trends in the availability and management of resources -- both human and natural".
Foundation grants in the range of $20 to $50 million for the environmental cause are no longer a novelty. In July 1990, the Rockefeller Foundation announced a $50 million global environmental program. The specific purpose of the program is to create an elite group of individuals in each country whose role is to implement and enforce the international environmental treaties now being negotiated.
Kathleen Teltsch reported in the New York times (July 24, 1990):
"As an initial step, the five-year program will assist hundreds of young scientists and policy makers in developing countries to create a worldwide network of trained environmental leaders, who will meet regularly at workshops, sharing information and discussing strategy.
"Through the international network, the foundation wants to encourage efforts to build environmental protection into governments' long-range economic planning. Other major elements would promote the drafting of international treaties to deal with forest, land, and water preservation, and hazardous waste disposal"
The foundations are run by America's top patrician families. These families channel billions of dollars into the organizations and causes they wish to support every year, and thereby exert enormous political clout. By deciding who and what gets funded, they determine the political issues up front in Washington, which are then voted on by Congress. It is all tax free, since the foundations are tax-exempt. The boards of directors of the large foundations are made up of some of the most powerful individuals in this country, and they always overlap with power brokers in government and industry.
One such individual was Thornton F. Bradshaw, who, until his recent death, was chairman and program director of the MacArthur foundation and a trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Conservation Foundation. At the same time, Bradshaw was chairman of the RCA Corporation and a director of NBC, the Atlantic Richfield corp., Champion International, and first Boston, Inc. Bradshaw was also a member of the Malthusian Club of Rome and director of the Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies, organizations that have played a critical role in spreading the "limits to growth" ideology of the environmental movement.
Another individual perhaps better known to readers is Henry A. Kissinger, former U.s. secretary of state and a trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. For years Kissinger was the director of the fund's special Studies Project, which was in charge of special operations.
Corporate Contributions
Another huge source of contributions to the environmental movement is private corporations. Unlike tax-exempt foundations, however, corporations are not required by law to report what they do with their money, so it is difficult for an independent researcher to estimate the level of funding for the environmentalist movement from business and industry. There are watchdog groups, however, that have investigated these money flows and come up with startlingly large figures.
For example, the April 1991 newsletter of the Capital Research Center in Washington, D.C., which monitors trends in corporate giving, scathingly denounces those corporations it has discovered financing the environmentalists. The newsletter states that oil companies "are heavy financial supporters of the very advocacy groups which oppose activities essential to their ability to meet consumer needs".
Further, it reports, "The Nature Conservancy's 1990 report reflects contributions of over $1,000,000 from Amoco, over $135,000 from Arco, over 4100,000 from BP Exploration and BP Oil, more than $3,200,000 (in real estate) from Chevron, over $10,000 from Conoco and Phillips Petroleum and over $260,000 from Exxon".
From the scant information publicly available (largely annual reports from the major environmental groups), one can conservatively estimate that corporations contribute more than $200 million a year to the environmentalist movement.
This should come as no surprise. Over the past 20 years, giant corporations have discovered that by using environmental regulations they can bankrupt their competition, the small- and medium-sized firms that are the most active and technologically innovative part of the U.S. economy.
Compliance with environmental regulations is also big business. According to official figures from the federal government's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it costs the U.S. economy $131 billion today to comply with environmental regulations. That figure will have risen to more than $300 billion a year by the year 2000. The expenditures are a net drain on the economy, but while the nation is bankrupted, someone is profiting from the services and equipment sold. A look at classified advertisements in the papers today reveals that companies involved in environmental compliance are growing fast. Many of these corporations are contributing to the environmental movement.
Funds from the U.S. Government
There is a third area of funding for the environmental movement: the U.S. government itself. As reported in detail by Peter Metzger, former science editor of the Rocky Mountain News, there are now thousands of professional environmentalists ensconced in the U.S. government. These environmentalists channel hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and favors to environmentalists and environmental groups under all kinds of guises. In a 1991 newspaper series, columnist Warren Brookes exposed how the federal Bureau of Land Management [BLM] used the Nature Conservancy as a land broker, giving the antigrowth organization handsome profits.
The EPA doles out huge amounts of money to environmental groups to conduct "studies" of the impact of global warming and ozone depletion. President Bush has made the Global Climate Change program a priority, so while the Space Station, vaccinations for children, and other crucial projects have been virtually eliminated from the budget, $1.3 billion is available for studies of how man is fouling the Earth. Similarly, scientists who challenge global warming and ozone depletion as hoaxes do not receive a penny in funding, while those who scream doomsday receive tens of millions in research grants from the "climate change" program.
How much funding do the environmentalists receive from the federal government? Officially, the U.S. government gives away more than $3 billion a year in grants to support environmental groups and projects. The actual total, however, is impossible to estimate. A top-ranking official of the department of Energy who spent two years attempting to cut off tens of millions of dollars in "pork barrel" grants going to environmentalist groups, discovered that for each grant she was eliminating, environmentalist moles in the department added several new ones. The official resigned in disgust.
The environmentalist capture of Washington, which was consolidated during the Carter administration, produced radical changes in the Washington, D.C. establishment. This process of subversion was described by [Peter] Metzger in a speech given in 1980, titled "Government-funded Activism: Hiding Behind the Public Interest."
"For the first time in history, a presidential administration is funding a political movement dedicated to destroying many of the institutions and principles of American society. Activist organizations, created, trained, and funded at taxpayers' expense, and claiming to represent the public interest, are attacking our economic system and advocating its replacement by a new form of government. Not only is this being done by means already adjudicated as being unconstitutional, but it is being done without the consent of Congress, the knowledge of the public, or the attention of the press.
It all began when President Carter hired individuals prominently identified with the protest or adversary culture… the appointment [by the Carter administration] of several hundred leading activists to key regulatory and policy-making positions in Washington resulted in their use of the federal regulatory bureaucracy in order to achieve their personal and ideological goals.
Already accomplished is the virtual paralysis of new federal coal leasing, conventional electric generating plant licensing in many areas, federal minerals land leasing and water development, industrial exporting without complex environmental hearings, and the halting of new nuclear power plant construction…
The consequences of those sub-cabinet appointees having then made their own appointments, and those having then made theirs, so that now, there are thousands of [environmentalist] representatives in government…"
According to Metzger, this new class,
"enshrined in the universities, the news media, and especially the federal bureaucracy, has become one of the most powerful of the special interests."
Two Case Studies
Let us consider two case studies of how foundation-funded environmentalist organizations have virtually taken over national policy.
The Washington, D.C.-based Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) was created in 1969. The cover story is that it sprang from America's grass roots, after a group of Long Island citizens began having coffee clatches to discuss the threat of toxic chemicals. The truth is that EDF was created by grants from the leading Eastern Establishment foundations and these foundations have continued to support it.
The Ford Foundation gave EDF its seed money in 1969. In 1988, EDF received $500,000 from the ford Foundation, $1,000,000 from the William Bingham Foundation, $75,000 from the Joyce Foundation, $150,000 from the Mott Foundation, and $25,000 from the Carnegie Foundation, among others. Today, EDF has seven offices nationwide, more than 150,000 members, and an annual operating budget of $17 million.
The EDF made its name in the fight to ban DDT, which it accomplished with the help of Natural Resources Defense Council litigation in 1972 -- and with the cooperation of the EPA's administrator, William Ruckelshaus. Ruckelshaus ignored the scientific evidence presented during seven months of EPA hearings on DDT, and he ignored the decision of the EPA's hearing examiner not to ban DDT; instead, for what he admitted were political reasons, he banned this life-saving insecticide that was turning the tide on malaria. Thus "public perception" became established as more important than scientific evidence in environmental decisions.
In 1986, EDF helped to draft California's first sweeping environmental regulations in the form of the ballot initiative known as Proposition 65, which restricted the use of dozens of chemicals in industry and agriculture and has cost the California economy billions.
EDF's goals for the 1990s include: defending against the so-called greenhouse effect; saving sea turtles and porpoises by shutting down the fishing industry; banning CFCs worldwide by the year 2000; saving the world's rain forests; passing legislation to prevent so-called acid rain; setting aside Antarctica as a permanent wildlife reserve; extending the chemical bans in California's Proposition 65 to the entire nation; and recycling all household and industrial waste material.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), one of several of the legal arms of the environmentalist movement, was founded in 1970 with a massive infusion of funds from the Ford Foundation. Together with the Legal Defense Fund of the Sierra Club and the National Audobon Society, the NRDC took to the courts, filing dozens of lawsuits to block dams, shut down nuclear power-plant construction, and derail highway development projects.
The NRDC and its cohorts also targeted federal regulators in the Environmental Protection Agency and other offices, forcing tightened controls on pollution and demanding the enforcement of statutory rules for clean air and rivers. The Clean Air Act of 1970 was a first fruit of these efforts.
Who funds these multi-million-dollar court battles? In 1988, the NRDC received grants of $75,000 from the Educational Foundation of America, $600,000 from the MacArthur Foundation, $165,000 from the W. Alton Jones Foundation, and $850,000 from the Beinecke Foundation.
A good chunk of this money ends up in the expense accounts and salaries of the Eastern Establishment bigwigs who run the environmentalist advocacy groups -- or in the pockets of their lawyers. A 1990 cover story in Forbes magazine reports that the organizational network of consumer and environmentalist activist Ralph Nader is worth close to $10 million and receives ardent support in its anti-industry lawsuits from a circle of plaintiff attorneys with multi-million-dollar annual incomes (see Brimelow and Spencer 1990)
Nader himself lives very well off the publicity stirred up from court cases. "Oh, God, limousines and nothing but the best hotels", Forbes quotes a former state Trial Lawyers Association official. "We got quite a bill when he [Nader] was in town". Nader lives in a $1.5 million townhouse in Washington, D.C. (owned by his sister) and commands up to five-figure fees each for between 50 and 100 speaking appearances per year.
(Photo caption) The National Wildlife Federation's Jay Hair, like other leaders of environmental empires, commands a six-figure salary -- $200,000. However, his actual income is much higher because it includes earnings from his membership on the boards of corporations and other environmental groups. On average, environmental executives have salaries in the range of $150,000 to $200,000 a year, excluding benefits and income from other sources.
Other environmentalist organization leaders also maintain an expensive lifestyle. In August 1983, reporter Nancy Shute gave a colorful description of the environmentalists-turned-establishment who had taken over Washington. Under the headline "Bambi Goes to Washington", Shute writes in National Review:
"On December 1, 1982, barely two years after Ronald Reagan's election, hundreds of Washington lawyers and lobbyists munched pears and cheese and sipped Bloody Marys under the sparkling crystal chandeliers at the Organization of the American States (oas.org) headquarters, just two blocks from the White House. The conversation turned to politics, as do all Washington cocktail-party conversations.
"But the women in pearls and men in dark suits who shouted to be heard over the seven piece dance band represented not Exxon or U.S. Steel or General Motors, but the nations' environmental lobby, celebrating the tenth birthday of the Environmental Policy Center, an influential Washington lobbying group and research institute.
"In the 13 years since Earth Day, the environmental presence in the capital has grown from a ragtag band dedicated to saving trees and whales to a formidable Washington institution.
"Much of the environmental windfall has been spent on sleek new offices, on high-profile lobbyists like former senator Gaylord Nelson and Carter Administration Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus… on high-priced economists and lawyers, and on millions of direct-mail pleas for more cash…" [p.924]
These environmentalists are unabashed about their affluence. Their conferences have become notorious for their plush locales (Switzerland, Beverly Hills, Sundance and Aspen, for example).
The Campaign against CFCs
Both the EDF and NRDC played a leading role in the propaganda and legal campaign to ban CFCs.
In June 1974, Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina's doomsday paper claiming CFCs would deplete the ozone layer was published in Nature. At that moment, however, the hottest topic in the news media was that chlorine emissions from the Space Shuttle would wipe out the ozone layer. It was not until September 1974, that articles on the CFCs threat started to appear.
In November 1974, the Natural Resources Defense Council joined the ozone debate, calling for an immediate ban on CFCs. In June 1975, the NRDC sued the Consumer Products Safety Commission for a ban on CFCs used in aerosol spray cans. The lawsuit was rejected by the commission in July 1975, on grounds that there was insufficient evidence that CFCs harm the atmosphere.
At that point, EPA administrator Russell E. Train intervened on behalf of the NRDC and proponents of the ozone depletion theory, calling for all nations to cooperate in establishing worldwide guidelines on CFCs to avoid environmental disaster. Today Russell E. Train is head of the World Wildlife Fund/Conservation Foundation, a trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and a top-ranking member of both the Trilateral Commission and the New York Council on Foreign Relations.
For the next two years, debate raged on the future of CFCs, with the NRDC, lavishly funded by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, playing a major role. While President Ford's top science advisers said the evidence was still not strong enough for an immediate ban on CFCs, other members of the administration moved to implement such a ban. Once of them was Russell W. Peterson, chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, who worked for a ban on the use of CFCs in aerosol cans as a first step toward the total banning of CFCs. Peterson made it clear that it did not matter that there was no scientific evidence against CFCs. According to Sharon Roan in Ozone Crisis, Peterson told the press:
"I believe firmly that we cannot afford to give chemicals the same constitutional rights that we enjoy under the law. Chemicals are not innocent until proven guilty" (p. 83).
Peterson today is the head of the National Audubon Society.
In October 1978, CFCs used as propellants in aerosol cans were banned in the United States.
The CFCs issue lay dormant for the next several years, until November 1984, when the NRDC started a new phase on the assault on CFCs with a suit against the EPA. The suit sought to force the EPA to place a cap on overall CFC production, as mandated under the EPA's Phase Two proposals. The NRDC argued that under the Clean Air Act, the EPA was required to regulate CFCs if they were deemed harmful to the environment. The group claimed the EPA had acknowledged this in its 1980 proposed regulations, which had not been implemented during the first four years of the Reagan administration.
As the NRDC relaunched its campaign against CFCs, a major political change was taking place in Washington, D.C. The leading proponents of technology, the space program, and economic development in the Reagan administration had been ousted by a series of media-orchestrated scandals == Interior Secretary James Watt, NASA Administrator James Beggs, and EPA Chief Anne Burford. Burford was replaced by the multimillionaire corporate environmentalist, William Ruckelshaus, his second term as EPA administration.
There was still no credible scientific evidence against CFCs; supposedly this changed in May 1985 with the publication of Joseph Farman's doomsday ozone-hole paper in Nature magazine. This article enabled the environmental lobby to start creating hysteria about CFCs once more, which set the wheels into motion that led to the signing of the Montreal Protocol in 1987.
In September 1986, the DuPont Company announced its support for the banning of CFCs. By summer 1987, the environmental onslaught against CFCs was in full gear under the leadership of the well-funded NRDC. It was at that moment that the World Resources Institute received a $25 million grant from the MacArthur Foundation. According to Sharon Roan's book, Ozone Crisis (page 204):
"Economist Daniel J. Dudek of the Environmental Defense Fund provided a study on the cost of reducing ozone depletion… At the World Resources Institute and Worldwatch Institute, studies were completed to alert Americans to the effects of various ozone control policies. The Environmental Defense Fund, Friends of the Earth, and Sierra Club initiated public education campaigns and began pressuring industry to own up to its responsibility."
In September 1987, the Montreal Protocol was signed, calling for a 50 percent ban on CFCs by the year 2000.
[CDR Note: In 1995 Arizona State Legislature passed a bill (HB 2236) -- a one pager -- which allowed the possession, use, manufacture, purchase, installation, transportation and sale of chloroflurocarbons (namely freon), while prohibiting any penalty, fine or retaliatory action against any person or political subdivision (local government) of the state who or which did any of the above. Governor Fife Symington signed the bill into law on April 15, 1995 and very shortly thereafter was out of office on alleged charges of misuse of campaign funds, or some silly nonsense.
According to a report we've obtained, scientific studies have debunked the theory that CFC's from freon were responsible for the hole in the ozone layer. The hole is caused from lack of sunlight at the polar areas during the long-night season. When the sun returns, the hole repairs itself. It is a repetitive process. The studies claim that CFCs from volcanoes and other natural phenomena are released into the atmosphere at a much higher rate than those [CFCs] released by freon.
It is most probable that since DuPont's patent on freon was about to expire -- at which time any company could manufacture freon -- the timed release of the ozone-hole scare played a two-fold role; that is, forwarding the environmentalist movement and catering to the interests of the transnational DuPont company. We understand that the new coolant approved for use is also a DuPont patented product; was never tested for environmental safety; is much less efficient; uses more electricity to cool; is caustic to equipment, reducing the life of equipment; and cannot be used in present equipment so will ultimately cost homeowners and businesses billions to modify or change out equipment.]
The First Earth Day
First demonstrators who put spotted owls first, environmentalists define people as the enemy.
At the same time that the environmental organizations were becoming a well-funded big business, their propaganda output was used to create popular support for the environmentalist cause in the United States. A turning point in the transformation of the environmentalist fringe into a radicalized mass movement was Earth Day 1970.
On April 22, 1970, thousands of college students and curious onlookers turned out to participate in the widely publicized Earth Day festivities in dozens of major U.S. cities. Fold music, antinuclear slogans, "Love Your Mother Planet Earth" posters and college students were everywhere. On the surface it appeared to most observers that the nationwide rallies represented a grass roots movement to protest "the destruction of the environment". Nothing could be further from the truth. The Earth Day publicity stunt was part of a highly coordinated effort to create a climate of sympathy for Malthusian zero growth, where none yet existed in the United States.
Earth Day was partly bankrolled by a $200,000 personal grant from Robert O. Anderson, at the time the president of Atlantic Richfield Oil Corporation, the president of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, and a personal protégé of University of Chicago zero-growth ideologue Robert Maynard Hutchins. Anderson and the Aspen Institute played a crucial role in the launching of a worldwide environmentalist movement, and Earth Day was a big step along the way.
Coincident with the Earth Day effort, The Progressive, a 70-year-old publication of the U.S. branch of the Fabian socialist movement of H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, and Julian and Aldous Huxley, devoted its entire issue to a special report on "The Crisis of Survival". Among the environmentalist ideologues who contributed to this special issue were Ralph Nader and Paul Ehrlich. Denis Hayes, a Stanford University graduate who would later become the environmentalist-in-residence at the Worldwatch Institute, wrote the keynote article on Earth Day. He stated:
"April 22 is a tool -- something that can be used to focus the attention of society on where we are heading. It's a chance to start getting a handle on it all; a rejection of the silly idea that bigger is better, and faster is better, world without limits, amen.
"This has never been true. It presumes a mastery by Man over nature, and over Nature's laws. Instead of seeking harmony, man has sought to subdue the whole world. The consequences of this are beginning to come home. And time is running out."
In 1970, most Americans would have summarily rejected this pessimistic view. But, by the time the organizers of Earth Day 1970 were planning 20th anniversary celebrations of the event for 1990, the environmentalist hoax had been sold to the population of the United States. In the months before Earth Day 1990, every elementary and secondary school in the nation was provided with a special Earth Day preparation curriculum from the environmental Protection Agency. EPA spokesmen toured the nation. Television, magazines, and newspapers from the national to local level reported and editorialized on the event. State and town governments promoted it with public funds.
On Earth Day 1990, according to a spokesman for Friends of the Earth (a leading arm of the environmentalist lobby also financed by Robert O. Anderson), "one of the largest demonstrations ever" was held in Washington, D.C. and tens of thousands of people, representing "all types of environmental groups from all over the United States and internationally" were there. Smaller celebrations were held in literally thousands of state capitals, towns, and cities across the United States. A mass movement against science, technology, and economic growth had been consolidated in the United States.
Next Comes Genocide
In 1989, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak estimated that 500 million people in the Third World had starved to death in the decade of the 1980's; current estimates by the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) are that 40,000 children under the age of five starve to death every day. Most of these deaths can be attributed directly or indirectly to debt service and "technological apartheid", policies that prevent modern technologies -- such as water treatment plants, nuclear energy, refrigeration, mechanized agriculture, pesticides, and fertilizers -- from being used in Third World countries. These policies were considered colonialist in past decades; today, they are promoted by environmental groups in industrialized nations, under the guise of saving the Earth from pollution.
[CDR Note: See related article: Toxic Wastes 'Recycled' As Fertilizer Threaten U.S. Farms - Food Supply
Many environmentalists have no idea of the consequences of their belief system for the people of the Third World, but it is clear that those at the top of the environmentalist movement are witting in their advocacy of policies that ultimately kill people. We know this is the case because many of the environmentalist policy-makers say so publicly. It is not simply that the ban on CFCs will kill people and that the top environmentalists know that it will kill people.
The fact is that the top ozone depletion propagandists at the World Wildlife Fund, the Club of Rome, the Population Crisis Committee/Draper Fund, and other elite bodies want it to kill people. Depopulation is one of the reasons they devised the ozone hoax in the first place. By scaring the general population with stories of imminent catastrophe, these policy-makers intend to justify adoption of stringent measures that will curtail economic growth and population. The ozone hole is just one of several such scare stories.
On July 24, 1980, the U.S. State Department unveiled the Global 2000 Report to the President. It had been in preparation by the White House Council on environmental Quality and the State Department, employing scores of government personnel and hundreds of outside consultants since the early days of the Carter administration -- an administration dominated by elite members of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. The report was a long-inded proposal that "population control" -- a euphemism for killing people -- be made the cornerstone of the policies of all U.S. presidents from that time forward.
Pervading the report and several companion documents were lurid predictions: crises in water resources, severe energy shortages, shortfalls in strategically vital raw materials -- all blamed on "population growth".
The report argued that without countervailing action, by the year 2000 there will be 2 to 4 billion people too many. Therefore, the report said, it is required that government implicitly direct all policies domestic and foreign toward the elimination of 2 to 4 billion people by the year 2000.
The rationale for proposing a crime of such great magnitude is the simple -- and totally wrong -- Malthusian ideology that claims population growth inherently exhausts "natural resources" and there are, therefore, "limits to growth", as the Club of Rome has insisted.
In the real world of human production of the means of human existence, there is no correlation between "natural resources" and human population potential, for the simple reason that resources are not really "natural". The resources for human existence are defined by human science and technology, and the development of science and technology defines whole new arrays of "resources" for the societies that avail themselves of such progress. For example, oil was there "naturally", but if did not exist as a resource for humankind until the technology -- combustion engines, and so on -- existed to make it a resource. Before that, it was a black mud that usually meant ruination of farm fields.
This means two things. First, there are no "limits to growth". There are only limits within the confines of a given array of technology. So, unless scientific and technological progress were stopped dead, there could never be an absolute limit to "resources" for human life. There can never be such a thing as absolute "overpopulation" of the human species.
Second, were modern agricultural and industrial capabilities, even as they exist in industrialized nations today, diffused throughout the Third World, we would discover that not only do we have ample resources for year-2000 population levels, but we also have too few people to operate advanced agroindustrial facilities at optimum capacity. If we took account of in-sight technological advances, we would discover that underpopulation is the main problem we face.
The Global 2000 Report, however, assumed no diffusion of modern agroindustrial capabilities to the Third World. Instead, it assumed that the Third World would be denied even available forms of technology.
In addition, it assumed no progress beyond existing scientific and technological arsenals. The over population forecast follows neatly from these assumptions: The report assumes that science and technology have been forced to come to a stop, in order to assert that by the year 2000, there will be 2 to 4 billion more people than the world economy can sustain. The report neglects to point out that if science and technology were not to be forced into stagnation, the globe's population would have much brighter prospects.
In other words, the Global 2000 Report is simply a statement of policy intent for genocide, not a scientific forecast at all. It reveals in a unique way the depopulation aims of those also behind the ozone-depletion hoax.
By the time Global 2000 was issued, whole sections of the U.S. government existed solely to implement its recommendation: depopulation. The role of Richard Elliott Benedick, who negotiated the Montreal Protocol for the United States, must be emphasized again. Benedick has spent most of his government career as head of the State Department Population Office, promoting policies to reduce the size of the world's population.
Lest the skeptical reader think we exaggerate, listen to Thomas Ferguson, a Benedick colleague and head of the Latin American desk at Benedick's Office of Population Affairs. Ferguson made these comments on State Department policy toward the civil war in El Salvado (as reported by Executive Intelligence Review, 1981, p. 43):
"Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it. The professionals are not interested in lowering population for humanitarian reasons… In El Salvador, there is no place for these people -- period. No place.
"Look at Vietnam. We studied the thing. That area was also overpopulated and a problem. We thought that the war would lower rates, and we were wrong. To really reduce population quickly, you have to pull all the males into the fighting and you have to kill significant numbers of fertile age females. You know, as long as you have a large number of fertile females, you will have a problem…
"In El Salvador, you are killing a small number of males and not enough females to do the job on the population. The quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa, or through disease., like the Black Death.
"What might happen in El Salvador is that the war might disrupt the distribution of food: The population could weaken itself, you could have disease and starvation. Then you can successfully create a tendency for population rates to decline rapidly… but otherwise, people breed like animals."
Ferguson's level of moral depravity is not unique among government policy-makers. Listen to William Paddock, an adviser to the State Department under both Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance. In spring 1981, Paddock told a Georgetown University seminar that 3.5 million of El Salvador's 4 million people should be eliminated, and would be, provided that there was "continuous turmoil and civil strife, which is the only solution to the overpopulation problem."
Paddock continued:
"The United States should support the current military dictatorship, because that is what is required… But we should also open up contacts with the opposition, because they will eventually come to power. As we do that, we should work with their opposition, because we will need to bring them to power. That is what our policy is, that is what it must be… an endless cycle."
Readers are encouraged to seek out and read the documentation for themselves in official government documents. For example, National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests, a recently declassified memo written by National Security Advisers Brent Scowcroft and Henry Kissinger in 1974, states specifically that population growth in the developing sector is a national security threat to the United States, and must be curtailed as a matter of America's foreign policy. Under the rubric of this document, the United States has worked internationally to cut the growth and overall size of the darker-skinned peoples of the Third World -- an explicitly racist policy.*
This policy against the Third World and "less advantaged populations" is being implemented on a scale never seen before but, in fact, it is nothing new. Historian Anton Chaitkin documented recently that the policy-makers gathered around George Bush, the family of the President, and the Anglo-American financial establishment behind the Bush administration, are the same group of people who put the racist Adolf Hitler into power and copied his eugenics policies in practice in the United States. The continue to promulgate the policy of Hitlerite "eugenics" or race purification under the new label of population control and in the name of "saving the environment".
Bush's work for population control goes back to the 1960s, when he was the first congressman to introduce national population-control legislation. Bush was also a conspicuous activist for population reduction when he was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations from 1971 to 1972. In 1972, prodded by Bush and others, the U. S. Agency for International Development (AID) began funding the Serilization League of America to sterilize nonwhites.
In his introduction to the 1973 book The World Population Crisis: The U.S. Response, by Phyllis Piotrow, Bush wrote that "one of the major challenges of the 1970s… will be to curb the world's fertility".
In 1988, U.S. AID made a new contract with the Sterilization League, committing the U.S. government to spend $80 million over five years. This contract is not listed in the public U.S. AID budgetary literature, yet the group says that 87 percent of its foreign operations are funded by the U.S. government.
The sterilization program is based on deception.
The U. S. AID tells Congress and the public, that since the Reagan and Bush administrations have been opposed to abortions, tax money that would have funded abortions in foreign countries has been diverted to "family planning activities". They fail to explain that in addition to buying 7 billion condoms, the program funds surgical sterilization of growing numbers of the Third World Population.
Peter Brimelow and Leslie Spencer, 1990. "Ralph Nader, Inc.", Forbes (9-17) pp 117-122 (cover story)
Anton chaitkin and Webster Tarpley, 1992. George Bush; The Unauthorized Biography. In Press.
Council on Environmental Quality, 1980. "The Global 2000 Report to the President: Entering the Twenty-first Century", Washington D.C.
Executive Intelligence Review, 1981. The Conspiracy Behind the Trilateral Commission, New York.
Joseph Farman et al. 1985. "Large losses of total ozone in Antartica reveal seasonal CLOx/NOx Interaction", Nature, Vol. 315 (Jan 24), pp 207-210.
Peter Metzger, 1980. "Government-Funded Activism: Hiding behind the Public Interest". Present at the 47th Annual Conference of the Southwestern Electric Exchange in Boca Raton, Florida (March 26).
Mario J. Molina and F.S. Rowland, 1974. "Stratospheric sink for chlorfluromethanes: chlorine atomic-atalysed {sic} destruction of ozone", Nature, Vol. 249 (June 28), pp 810-812.
Kathleen Murphy, 1979. "The 1980s Project: Blueprint for 'Controlled Disintegration' ", Fusion (October), pp. 36-47.
National Security Study Memorandum 20, 1974, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests, Washington, D.C.
William Paddock, 1981. "The Demographic and National Security Inplications of the Salvado Revolution". Washington, D.C.; Georgetown Center for Strategic and International Studies Seminar (Feb. 27).
Sharon Road. 1989. Ozone Crisis: The 15-Year Evolution of a Sudden Global Emergency. New York; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Lydia Schulman, 1981. "Global 2000: Will the Zero-Growthers capture the White House?" Fusion Magazine (May), pp. 18-19.
"The State Department's Office of Population Affairs: Depopulating by 'War and Famine' ", 1981. Fusion magazine (June), pp. 20-23.
Nancy Shute, 1983. "The Greening of James Watt", National Review (Aug 5), pp 924-928
Kathleen Teltsch, 1990. "Rockefeller Foundation Starts Ecology Effort", The New York Times, July 24.
Table 1
Environmental Groups
(U.S. dollars, 1990, 1991)
Organization Revenues
African Wildlife Foundation $ 4,676,000
American Humane Association 3,000,000
Center for Marine Conservation 3,600,000
Clean Water Action 9,000,000
Conservation International 8,288,216
The Cousteau Society 14,576,328
Defenders of Wildlife 6,454,240
Earth Island Institute 1,300,000
Environmental Defense Fund 16,900,000
Greenpeace International 100,000,000
Humane society 19,237,791
Inform 1,500,000
International Fund for Animal Welfare 4,916,491
National Arbor Day Foundation 14,700,000
National Audobon Society 37,000,000
National Parks Conservation Assoc. 8,717,104
National Wildlife Federation 77,180,104
Natural Resources Defense Council 16,926,305
Nature Conservancy 254,251,717
North Shore animal League 26,125,383
Planned Parenthood 383,000,000
Population Crisis Committee 4,000,000
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy 1,544,293
Sierra club 40,659,100
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund 8,783,902
Student Conservation Association, inc. 3,800,000
Trust for Public Land 23,516,506
Wilderness Society 17,903,091
Wildlife Conservation International 4,500,000
WWF/Conservation Foundation 60,000,000
Zero Population Growth 1,600,000
Total $1,177,656,571
Sources: Buzzwork, September/October 1991- Chronicle of Philanthropy March, 13, 1992
(U.S. dollars, 1988)
Foundation EDF NRDC
Beinecke foundation, Inc. 850,000
Carnegie Corporation of New York 25,000
Clark Foundation 150,000
Columbia Foundation 30,000
Cox Charitable Trust 38,000
Diamond Foundation 50,000
Dodge Foundation, Geraldine 75,000 10,000
Educational Foundation of America 30,000 75,000
Ford Foundation 500,000
Gerbode Foundation 50,000 40,000
Gund Foundation 85,000 40,000
Harder Foundation 200,000
Joyce Foundation 75,000 30,000
MacArthur Foundation 600,000
Mertz-Gilmore Foundation 75,000 80,000
Milbank Memorial Fund 50,000
Morgan guaranty charitable Trust 5,000 6,000
Mott Foundation, Charles Stewart 150,000 40,000
New Hope Foundation, Inc. 45,000
New York Community Trust 35,000
Noble foundation, Inc. 20,000 35,000
Northwest Area foundation 100,000
Packard Foundation 50,000 37,000
Prospect Hill Foundation 45,000
Public Welfare Foundation 150,000
Robert Sterling Clark Foundation 50,000 40,000
Rockefeller Brothers Fund 75,000
San Francisco Foundation 50,000
Scherman Foundation 40,000 50,000
Schumann foundation 50,000
Steele-Reese Foundation 100,000
Victoria Foundation 35,000 35,000
Virginia Environmental Endowment 25,000
W. Alton Jones Foundation 100,000 165,000
Wallace Genetic Foundation 80,000 65,000
William Bingham Foundation 1,000,000 150,000
Total* 2,885,000 3,236,000
*The total includes some smaller foundation grants not listed here.
Source: The Foundation Grants Index -- 1989, 1990
Recipient Foundation Grant in $
World Resources Institute MacArthur Foundation 15,000,000
World Resources Institute MacArthur Foundation 10,000,000
Nature Conservancy R.K. Mellon Foundation 4,050,000
Nature Conservancy Champlin Foundations 2,000,000
Oregon Coast Aquarium Fred Meyer Charitable Trust 1,500,000 International Irrigation Mgmt Inst. Ford Foundation 1,500,000
Open Space Institute R.K. Mellon Foundation 1,400,000
Internat'l Irrigation Mgmt. Inst. Rockefeller Foundation 1,200,000
Chicago Zoological society MacArthur Foundation 1,000,000
Native American Rights Foundation Ford foundation 1,000,000
Wilderness Society R.K. Mellon Foundation 800,000
World Resources Institute A.W. Mellon Foundation 800,000
University of Arkansas W.K. Kellogg Foundation 764,060
National Park Service Pillsbury Co. Foundation 750,000
National Audobon society A.W. Mellon Foundation 750,000
SOURCE: Environmental Grant Association Directory, 1989
Underdeveloped Nations Whose Gross National Product (GNP) Is Less Than
The Annual Revenues of U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS (1990)
Country GNP (billions $ Population
Bhutan 0.25 1.4
Laos 0.70 3.9
Lesotho 0.71 1.7
Chad 0.86 5.4
Mauritania 0.91 1.9
Somalia 1.00 5.9
Yemen 1.03 2.4
Central African Republic 1.10 2.9
Botswana 1.21 1.2
Burundi 1.22 5.1
Togo 1.26 3.4
Malawi 1.36 8.0
Mozambique 1.49 14.9
Benin 1.72 4.4
Burkina Faso 1.70 8.5
Mali 1.84 8.0
Congo 1.91 2.1
Madagascar 1.96 10.9
Maurilius 1.96 1.1
Rwanda 2.14 6.7
Niger 2.19 7.3
Zambia 2.20 7.6
Guinea 2.32 5.4
Haiti 2.39 6.3
Jamaica 2.57 2.4
Papua New Guinea 3.00 3.7
Nepal 3.24 18.0
Gabon 3.27 1.1
Bolivia 3.03 6.9
Tanzania 3.95 24.7
Trinidad and Tobago 4.02 1.2
Honduras 4.13 4.8
Uganda 4.54 16.2
Senegal 4.55 7.0
Costa Rica 4.56 2.7
El Salvador 4.70 5.0
Paraguay 4.72 4.0
Panama 4.88 2.3
Dominican Republic 4.97 6.9
Ghana 5.60 14.0
Ethiopia 5.69 47.4
Jordan 5.85 3.9
Sri Lanka 6.97 16.6
Oman 7.00 1.4
Uruguay 7.66 3.1
Guatemala 7.83 8.7
Kenya 8.29 22.4
Ivory Coast 8.62 11.2
Total 362.0
Figures were not available for Afghanistan, Kampuchea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Angola, Lebanon, Nicaragua and Vietnam. Source: World Development Report 1990: Poverty, The World Bank (New York, London, Oxford University Press, 1990
Friday, November 20, 2009
55 post of truths and only one follower, we surely live in the land of cowards
If you tell the truths which your research has shown you, backed up by court documents, Congressional Globes, Annals and Records of Congress, the very evil Council of Trent, the documents of the Council on Foreign Relations, their brothers in the Trilateral Commission, The Cannon Laws as written for the Vatican via the Council of Trent, the many Commercial Codes which subvert the Constitution, the many non ratified Constitutional Amendments, The very Communist Manifesto put beside the Bill of RIGHTS of this great land of Freedom and Opportunity proves your case hands down, The filthy invention known as Evolutionism by the Jesuit, hands the fake wars like the "cold war", the orchestrated WWI and WWII, the fallacy of the Korean war, Vietnam, and now these newest Papal Inquisitions into the Middle East, you shall be black balled from working, telling the truths will make you pay, not only do "Friends" abandon you, so will your own flesh and blood, you are Mister Persona non Grata, you are rejected, you have threatened their illusion, you are isolated..For wanting to live in a nation of Men, who would not stand for these acts of conspiracy against the LAW of these lands, the SUPREME LAW which grants us FREEDOM.. Shame on you all, your cowardice will haunt you forever !!!
The Apostle Peter says in Galations- DO I BECOME YOUR ENEMY BECAUSE I TELL YOU THE TRUTH ?
" A man does what he must--in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures--and that is the basis of all human morality." ---John F. Kennedy.
Murdered in the House of His Friends, just as Jesus Christ was done, for Chastising the Temples Money Changers...And other offenses by JFK, such as threatening the Popes CIA, IRS, and releasing these two cretins of their duties, Knight of Malta and 4th Vow Jesuit CIA director of the Short Robe Allen Dulles, and Homosexual Director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover..
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The United Communist Nations, we were told communism had been defeated, we won the cold war, Hmmm, Liars.
Gorbymania! Former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev enjoys global celebrity status unmatched by any other ex-political leader. But is he a prophet of world peace or a dangerous Pied Piper?
There are many pretenders to fame who are, as Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry would say, legends in their own minds. Then there is Mikhail Gorbachev, who is a legend of mythic proportions in the minds of countless millions. He is lionized as the man who ended the Cold War. Or, as the title of the Gorbachev biography by bestselling author Gail Sheehy suggests, he is The Man Who Changed the World.
Mikhail Gorbachev continues to change the world. The August Coup August Coup, attempted coup (Aug. 18–22, 1991) against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. On the eve of the signing ceremony for a new union treaty for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, members of the Politburo and the heads of the Soviet military and of 1991, which supposedly swept him from power, actually propelled him to new heights. Within months of his formal December 25, 1991, resignation as president of the Soviet Union The President of the Soviet Union was the Head of State of the USSR from March 15, 1990 to December 25, 1991. Mikhail Gorbachev was the first and only person to occupy the office. , he was being heralded as the new global environmental and spiritual leader at the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, city, Brazil Rio de Janeiro (rē`ō də zhänā`rō, Port. rē` thĭ zhənĕē`r .
At Rio, the Nobel Laureate Noun 1. Nobel Laureate - winner of a Nobel prize
Nobelist laureate - someone honored for great achievements; figuratively someone crowned with a laurel wreath and Time magazine's "Man of the Decade" was appointed to head an international commission to draft an Earth Charter, a new set of ethical principles to guide the planet. He now leads the global effort to have the charter--which he calls a new "kind of Ten Commandments, a 'Sermon on the Mount,'" for humanity--formally adopted by religious bodies, private organizations, corporations and governments. The Rio summit was also the launch pad for Green Cross International, of which Gorbachev is founder and president. Head-quartered in Geneva Geneva, canton and city, Switzerland
Geneva (jənē`və), Fr. Genève, canton (1990 pop. 373,019), 109 sq mi (282 sq km), SW Switzerland, surrounding the southwest tip of the Lake of Geneva. , Switzerland, Green Cross provides a forum for many Gorbachev-led initiatives. The organization also boasts formal consultative status with the UN and the Council of Europe Council of Europe, international organization founded in 1949 to promote greater unity within Europe and to safeguard its political and cultural heritage by promoting human rights and democracy. The council is headquartered in Strasbourg, France. , and direct funding from governments.
Except for Pope John Paul II Pope John Paul II (Latin: Ioannes Paulus PP. II, Italian: Giovanni Paolo II, Polish: Jan Paweł II) born Karol Józef Wojtyła (helpinfo) , no other contemporary world figure commands such near-universal respect or radiates such star power. Presidents, prime ministers, sultans, kings, billionaires, titans of business, media mavens, and movie stars all shamelessly court Gorbachev like teenyboppers flocking after their latest MTV MTV in full Music Television.
U.S. cable television network, established in 1980 to present videos of musicians and singers performing new rock music. MTV won a wide following among rock-music fans worldwide and greatly affected the popular-music business. idol.
Such was the case on his October tour of the United States, which included a conference in Atlanta with former President George Bush and former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, moderated by NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw. There was also a speech at Auburn University, an interview on ABC's This Week, and a New York City New York City: see New York, city. New York City
City (pop., 2000: 8,008,278), southeastern New York, at the mouth of the Hudson River. The largest city in the U.S. confab, where the revered "elder statesman" was honored for his environmental contributions. There was even a trip to the heartland: a summit in Appleton, Wisconsin, with a governor, civic and business leaders, and representatives of U.S.-Russian sister cities.
In the weeks and months preceding his U.S. trip, world citizen Gorbachev was a headliner at many events, including the 80th birthday party of former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres (along with Bill Clinton, former South African President F.W. de Klerk, Hollywood actress Kathleen Turner, and other glitterati glit·te·ra·ti pl.n. Informal.
Highly fashionable celebrities; the smart set: "private parties on Park Avenue and Central Park West, where the literati mingled with glitterati").. Not to mention international conferences in Japan, Italy and the Netherlands on the new "World Water Crisis." And European events to launch the publication (in German, Spanish, Dutch, French, and Russian) of his new book My Agenda for the Earth. Then there was Ted Turner's disarmament television series on PBS PBS in full Public Broadcasting Service.
Private, nonprofit U.S. corporation of public television stations. PBS provides its member stations, which are supported by public funds and private contributions rather than by commercials, with educational, cultural, , "Avoiding Armageddon," with Gorbachev in a starring role, dispensing wisdom on "interdependence" and the need to "move towards a new world order." There were also the Biovision World Life Sciences Forum in Lyon, France, and the Rome Summit of Nobel Laureates, an annual event organized by Gorbachev.
With all of this, Gorbachev still found time to record his first English narration, a new politically correct politically correct Politically sensitive adjective Referring to language reflecting awareness and sensitivity to another person's physical, mental, cultural, or other disadvantages or deviations from a norm; a person is not mentally retarded, but
..... Click the link for more information. rendition of composer Sergei Prokofiev's "Peter and the Wolf For other uses, see .
Peter and the Wolf is a composition by Sergei Prokofiev written in 1936 after his return to the Soviet Union. It is a children's story (with both music and text by Prokofiev), spoken by a narrator accompanied by the orchestra. ." He is accompanied in this environmentalist environmentalist
a person with an interest and knowledge about the interaction of humans and animals with the environment.
..... Click the link for more information. tale--told from the poor wolf's point of view--by fellow narrators Bill Clinton and Sophia Loren.
What a life! What a guy! What a visionary! What a humanitarian! Yes, above all, Mikhail Gorbachev's admiring hosts remind us, the man is a tireless humanitarian, toiling for world peace, democracy and Mother Earth. This headline from the lead front-page story of the Appleton Post-Crescent on October 1 is typical of his adulatory ad·u·late
tr.v. ad·u·lat·ed, ad·u·lat·ing, ad·u·lates
To praise or admire excessively; fawn on.
[Back-formation from adulation. press reviews: "Once Cold War foe. former leader now humanitarian."
"Gorbachev really is a figure of world historical importance," Peter Blitstein, a local professor of history at Lawrence University, told the newspaper. "It's difficult to exaggerate his significance for 20th century history. It's hard to get someone bigger than this." Dr. John Toussaint, president and CEO (1) (Chief Executive Officer) The highest individual in command of an organization. Typically the president of the company, the CEO reports to the Chairman of the Board. of ThedaCare, was ecstatic upon seeing Gorbachev mount the stage at the Appleton event. "It was absolutely one of the highlights of my life," said the health care executive. "The highlight of my life was seeing my two children born, and this was pretty close behind that."
Crucial Paradigm Shift A dramatic change in methodology or practice. It often refers to a major change in thinking and planning, which ultimately changes the way projects are implemented. For example, accessing applications and data from the Web instead of from local servers is a paradigm shift. See paradigm.
Voices running contrary to this near-unanimous acclamation are rarely heard. But they do exist, and they should be heard. Dr. Hans Graf Huyn, a top German expert on Soviet deception, noted a decade ago that despite the intended outward appearance of collapse, the Communist Party and KGB KGB: see secret police. KGB
Russian Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti
(“Committee for State Security”) Soviet agency responsible for intelligence, counterintelligence, and internal security. structures of the Soviet Union were still operating and maintaining political control throughout Russia and the supposedly independent nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), community of independent nations established by a treaty signed at Minsk, Belarus, on Dec. 8, 1991, by the heads of state of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Between Dec. 8 and Dec. (CIS Cis (sĭs), same as Kish (1.)
(1) (CompuServe Information Service) See CompuServe.
(2) (Card Information S ). Likewise, the worldwide Communist Party apparatus and global KGB network, newly camouflaged, were continuing to carry out their revolutionary functions. "Where do the old Soviet structures hide?" Huyn asked. In the Gorbachev Foundation, for one, he noted. Huyn pointed out that the Gorbachev Foundation "has somehow taken over the tasks--and the personnel--of the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU CPSU Communist Party of the Soviet Union
CPSU Community and Public Sector Union
CPSU Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit (UK)
CPSU California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo, California) [Communist Party of the Soviet Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)
Major political party of Russia and the Soviet Union from the Russian Revolution of 1917 to 1991. It arose from the Bolshevik wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party. ]."
Mikhail Gorbachev and the Gorbachev Foundation serving as the sub rosa CPSU International Department? That is a very serious charge. The International Department is the powerful arm that coordinated global Communist operations for the Kremlin strategists for decades. Hans Graf Huyn's assertions stand in startling star·tle
v. star·tled, star·tling, star·tles
1. To cause to make a quick involuntary movement or start.
2. To alarm, frighten, or surprise suddenly. See Synonyms at frighten. contrast to the conventional wisdom, but they express the views of other reliable experts, such as key KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn and Christopher Story, publisher of the authoritative Soviet Analyst, based in London. Mountains of evidence back up these views; we have published much of this evidence in these pages over the past decade and a half.
Those who are not veteran readers of this magazine may find the foregoing too astounding a·stound
tr.v. a·stound·ed, a·stound·ing, a·stounds
To astonish and bewilder. See Synonyms at surprise.
[From Middle English astoned, past participle of astonen,
..... Click the link for more information. to be possible. Could such an enormous deception actually be carried out for such an extended period of time? If true, it would mean that Mikhail Gorbachev, instead of being the celebrated man of peace, is actually an arch-enemy who has brought a Trojan Horse inside our gates. Tragically, yes, he is a master of deceit and is carrying out a plan--together with his fellow strategists in Moscow, and fellow one-world globalists in the West--to destroy our freedom and our country.
Man Behind the Mask
Like most Communist leaders, there is much of Gorbachev's life that remains shrouded in shadow and mystery. But there is much that is known. We know, for example, that he presided over much of the genocidal rape of Afghanistan. That he armed international terrorist groups and terrorist regimes in Libya, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Cuba, North Korea, and elsewhere. That he armed, supplied and subsidized the Cuban-backed genocides in Ethiopia and Angola. That he supported the brutal Communist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. That he continued and expanded the massive Soviet drug offensive against the West. That he increased the power and prestige of the KGB. That he used troops, tanks and even poison gas poison gas, any of various gases sometimes used in warfare or riot control because of their poisonous or corrosive nature. These gases may be roughly grouped according to the portal of entry into the body and their physiological effects. to crush protesters seeking more freedom in Kazakhstan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Lithuania.
The litany above does not come close to exhausting Gorbachev's documented record of crimes and atrocities. Yet, the same folks who sing his glories relentlessly persecute per·se·cute
tr.v. per·se·cut·ed, per·se·cut·ing, per·se·cutes
1. To oppress or harass with ill-treatment, especially because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs.
2. Chile's Augusto Pinochet and Peru's Alberto Fujimori, who are saints in comparison to Gorbachev.
Like the little boy in Hans Christian Andersen's fable The Emperor's New Clothes Emperor’s New Clothes
supposedly invisible to unworthy people; in reality, nonexistent. [Dan. Lit.: Andersen’s Fairy Tales]
See : Illusion
Emperor’s New Clothes , we must recognize and speak the naked truth, even if everyone seems intent on following a popular delusion. An honest, sober appraisal of publicly available facts show that:
* Top Communist leaders telegraphed decades in advance that they would be launching an incredible "peace" offensive to put the West to sleep. Soviet defectors and reliable anti-Communist experts had warned for years against this coming paradigm shift.
* There are precedents for Soviet strategic deceptions of this sort. In the 1920s Lenin launched his New Economic Policy (NEP NEP: see New Economic Policy. ), pretending to abandon Communism and adopt capitalism to win financial and economic aid from the West. In the 1940s Stalin repeated the ploy, pretending to disband dis·band
v. dis·band·ed, dis·band·ing, dis·bands
To dissolve the organization of (a corporation, for example).
1. the Comintern (Communist International) to gain vitally needed aid and concessions from the West.
* Since the supposed collapse of the Soviet Union, all of the key centers of power--political, economic, military, intelligence--in Russia and the other "former" Soviet states have remained in the hands of lifelong Communists. If a genuine collapse and legitimate elections had occurred, all Communist leaders would have been swept from office, tried, and hanged or penalized pe·nal·ize
tr.v. pe·nal·ized, pe·nal·iz·ing, pe·nal·iz·es
1. To subject to a penalty, especially for infringement of a law or official regulation. See Synonyms at punish.
2. by their long-suffering victims. This strategic deception has saved Communism from real collapse. Unable to produce and keep pace with the West, the Communists have succeeded in getting the taxpayers of the U.S., Japan and Western Europe to bail them out.
* No longer perceived as enemies, the Kremlin strategists have been able to flood the West with agents, who are welcomed into every imaginable position of influence --in business, academe, the media, and government.
* Mikhail Gorbachev is an unrepentant Marxist-Leninist (see below). Like most "former" Soviet leaders, he is a master of Communist dialectics.
* Despite Gorbachev's supposed "break with the past," he continues to work closely with top Communist leaders from the Soviet era and agents of Soviet fronts throughout the world to further the same revolutionary objectives of the Soviet era. * Gorbachev is a premier champion for U.S.-Russian "convergence"--that is, merging countries politically and economically, and transforming the United Nations into a world government. Both of these objectives constitute a continuation of the strategy initiated by Soviet agents Alger Hiss, Andrei Gromyko, Vlacheslav Molotov, and Andrei Vyshinsky--all of whom played key roles in designing the UN Charter and the entire UN system.
* The false breakup of the Soviet Union has greatly aided the Kremlin plan to use the UN as a weapon of conquest. Each state of the CIS is now entitled to a full delegation at the UN, meaning a vast increase in the Communist agents in all UN organs worldwide and especially in the U.S.
* Gorbachev continues to work with all of the same one-world Insiders in the West who have supported Soviet dictators from Lenin to Gorbachev, and who have continued to support Gorbachev's relabeled Communist successors, from Yeltsin to Putin.
Lenin's Disciple, Leninist Replay
Contrary to popular belief, no genuine, irreversible political and economic transformation has occurred in Russia and the CIS. We have been witnessing a carefully controlled "collapse-able Communism" that can--and will--revert to its former, overtly totalitarian self at the chosen time.
In his 1921 Draft Thesis on the Role and Functions of the Trade Unions Under the Economic Policy, Soviet dictator Lenin explained:
The New Economic Policy introduces
a number of important changes ...
which are due to the fact that in their
entire policy of transition from capitalism
to socialism the Communist
Party and Soviet Government are now
adopting special methods to implement
this transition and in many respects
are operating differently from
the way they operated before: they are
capturing a number of positions by a
new "flanking movement," so to
speak: they are drawing back in order
to make better preparations for a new
offensive against capitalism. In particular,
a free market and capitalism,
both subject to state control, are now
being permitted....
Lenin's "free market" was nothing of the sort. It was, as Lenin himself admitted, a state-controlled sham that served as a deceptive flanking movement. However, much of the media dutifully du·ti·ful
1. Careful to fulfill obligations.
2. Expressing or filled with a sense of obligation.
du portrayed it as an exciting opportunity for the West. "Lenin Abandons State Ownership as Soviet Policy," trumpeted a headline in the August 13, 1921 New York New York, state, United States
New York, Middle Atlantic state of the United States. It is bordered by Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and the Atlantic Ocean (E), New Jersey and Pennsylvania (S), Lakes Erie and Ontario and the Canadian province of Times. "Lenin has thrown communism overboard," the Times proclaimed. The Times has continued to publish similar bilge bilge
1. Nautical
a. The rounded portion of a ship's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides.
b. The lowest inner part of a ship's hull.
2. Bilge water.
3. for every successive Soviet deception.
The above quote from Lenin is very important with regard to updating and repackaging Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP) as Gorbachev's perestroika. It was quoted in entirety in the May 1991 issue of Political Affairs, the official journal of the Communist Party USA Known officially as the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the Communist party was formed in the United States in 1919, two years after the Russian Revolution had overthrown the monarchy and established the Soviet Union. , by CPUSA CPUSA Communist Party of the United States of America leader Carl Bloice. Comrade Bloice was explaining to the Party faithful that they should not be confused by the seemingly chaotic disintegration of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev and the Soviet leadership, noted Bloice, had adopted Lenin's NEP strategy. Bloice noted that the "changes ... do not themselves constitute a threat to socialist [i.e., Communist] principles. Indeed, they are being undertaken with a view to strengthening the system." Then, using Lenin's phrase, Bloice emphasized that all of this new Soviet thrust would require "special methods."
Bloice, who had been to Moscow many times to confer with the top Soviet leadership, knew that Gorbachev was a thorough Leninist. Gorbachev, in his 1987 book Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World, was very explicit about his Leninist principles. One of the subtitles in the book's first chapter is Turning to Lenin, an ldeological Source of Perestroika. Gorbachev says of that Bolshevik butcher: "His very image is an undying example of lofty moral strength, all-around spiritual culture and selfless devotion to the cause of the people and to socialism." According to Gorbachev, perestroika is "the most important and most radical program for economic reform our country has had since Lenin introduced the New Economic Policy in 1921." He stated further: "Every part of our program of perestroika--and the program as a whole, for that matter is fully based on the principle of more socialism and more democracy." He added, "We want more socialism and, therefore, more democracy."
Gorbachev has not retreated from this position in the succeeding years. In fact, he has reiterated it many times. But he also has intentionally confused the meaning of his words in many people's minds with his suave demeanor and appeals to humanitarian concerns. Even so enthusiastic a Gorby follower as writer Gall Sheehy remarked on the Soviet leader's masterful use of Aesopian language. "It is quite easy to play to the naivete na·ive·té or na·ïve·té
1. The state or quality of being inexperienced or unsophisticated, especially in being artless, credulous, or uncritical.
2. An artless, credulous, or uncritical statement or act.
..... Click the link for more information. of Europeans and Americans, telling us what we long to hear, using the very words we cherish in our constitutions, without being too precise," she wrote in her adulatory biography of Gorbachev. "Democratization de·moc·ra·tize
tr.v. de·moc·ra·tized, de·moc·ra·tiz·ing, de·moc·ra·tiz·es
To make democratic.
de·moc ," she noted, referring to a favorite Gorbachev term, "is not democracy; it is a slogan for the temporal liberalization lib·er·al·ize
v. lib·er·al·ized, lib·er·al·iz·ing, lib·er·al·iz·es v.tr.
To make liberal or more liberal: "Our standards of private conduct have been greatly liberalized . . . handed down from an autocrat. Glasnost glasnost (gläs`nōst), Soviet cultural and social policy of the late 1980s. Following his ascension to the leadership of the USSR in 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev began to promote a policy of openness in public discussions about current and is not free speech; only free speech, constitutionally guaranteed, is free speech."
Anatoliy Golitsyn, perhaps the most important KGB defector ever to escape to the West, has been exposing Soviet strategic deception for more than four decades, with an unparalleled record for accuracy. Golitsyn, who worked in the ultra-secret inner sanctum of the KGB, has noted that "to be credible and effective, a deception should accord as far as possible with the hopes and expectations of those it is intended to deceive." Gorbachev's Leninist perestroika deception fits the bill perfectly. Everyone in the West wants to believe that we won the Cold War, and that the threat of nuclear war between the superpowers is a thing of the past.
New Agenda, Old Agenda
On September 26, only a few days before his recent trip to the U.S., the French Press Agency reported that Gorbachev was pitching a new agenda for world peace. Russia and the United States need more than their alliance against terrorism to ensure viable ties, Gorbachev told reporters in Moscow. "We need another agenda, in addition to strategic defense and combatting terrorism," said Gorbachev. "We lack an economic component to our ties. We need to be economically dependent on each other."
Actually, economic "interdependence" is a not a new agenda item at all for Gorbachev and his fellow one-worlders--who include the power elite in Moscow as well as in the U.S. Gorbachev has been working closely for the past 15 years with both of these elite cadres to secure the transfer of tens of billions of dollars from the U.S. and the West to Russia and the CIS. He has worked closely with Jeffrey Sachs and his crew from Harvard and the Council on Foreign Relations The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an influential and independent, nonpartisan foreign policy membership organization founded in 1921 and based at 58 East 68th Street (corner Park Avenue) in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C. to keep the billions flowing to his supposed opponents and enemies who now run the Kremlin.
Keeping that river of cash flowing was a major reason for Gorbachev's recent trip to Wisconsin. The Communities for International Development program is an effort to build more Sister City relationships and a grassroots lobbying force that will support continued funding transfers. That was the message of Julie Bahr of the FoX Cities-Kurgan Sister Cities Program, the organization sponsoring Gorbachev's visit to Appleton. "There are governmental contacts that will secure funds for weapons disposal," said Bahr. "But the trust that allowed that to happen is what the sister cities are all about."
Creating U.S.-Soviet interdependence through economic and political convergence has been a long-term objective of subversive forces in our government and higher echelons of society for at least a generation.
Although it has been told in these pages many times before, the story of the starling starling, any of a group of originally Old World birds that have become distributed worldwide. Starlings were brought to New York in 1890; since then the common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) has spread throughout North America. admission of Ford Foundation President H. Rowan Gaither 50 years ago merits repeating, since it is so pertinent to the subject at hand. The major foundations--Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, etc.--were being investigated in 1953 because of their alarming record of supporting Communist front organizations, world government, and programs aimed at subverting U.S. sovereignty and independence. Gaither admitted to congressional investigator Norman Dodd that the reason for Ford's odd pattern of philanthropy was that the foundation was operating under directives that it use its immense resources "to so alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union." Gaither's counterparts at Rockefeller, Carnegie and other major foundations were operating under similar instructions. And those issuing these subversive directives were powerful enough to squelch squelch
v. squelched, squelch·ing, squelch·es v.tr.
1. To crush by or as if by trampling; squash.
2. the investigation.
In the half century since the shocking Gaither-Dodd revelation, the one-world elite at the same foundations and centers of influence such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission Trilateral Commission
From the site at Trilateral.org:
The Trilateral Commission is a non-governmental policy-oriented discussion group of about 325 distinguished citizens from North America, the European Union, and Japan which seeks to foster mutual issues for which these
..... Click the link for more information., and the Institute of International Economics have continued (and actually escalated) their subversive programs. Their support for U.S.-Russian cooperation on "collective security," "counter-terrorism," "transnational organized crime "Transnational Organized Crime" ("Transnational Crime"), is criminal activity, orgainised across national borders. It has been likened to a cancer, spreading across the world.
..... Click the link for more information.," energy (see facing page), and a host of other issues will lead, if continued, to our eventual merger with the "former" Soviet Union. But it will not be a "comfortable" merger for anyone who values freedom.
The Moscow-New York Axis
by William F. Jasper
In his lengthy speech to the Central Committee of the Communist Party Central Committee of the Communist Party can refer to:
* Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the Soviet Union.
* Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the People's Republic of China.
on November 2, 1987, marking the 70th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, Mikhail Gorbachev stated: "In October 1917 we parted with the Old World, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, the world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road." Gorbachev was speaking in his capacity as a lifelong Communist and as general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union The General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (First Secretary in 1953-1966) was the title synonymous with leader of the Soviet Union after Vladimir Lenin's death in 1924.
..... Click the link for more information..
On December 23, 1989, Gorbachev declared to the Congress of People's Deputies assembled in Moscow, "I am a communist. For some that may be a fantasy. But for me it is my main goal." During a trip to Byelorussia on February 26, 1991, Gorbachev said, "I am not ashamed to say that I am a communist and adhere to the communist idea, and with this I will leave for the other world"
Gorbachev's deeds have not belied those words. As Soviet president, he surrounded himself with hardline Communists and KGB pros like Valentin Pavlov, Gennadi Yanayev, Dmitri Yazov, Boris Pugo, Vladimir Kryuchkov, et al. Since leaving office, he has continued to work with top Russian (i.e., Soviet) Communist Party and KGB leadership. He defends, praises and supports current Russian president (and former KGB/FSB chief) Vladimir Putin.
KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn, in his brilliant 1995 analysis The Perestroika Deception, charges: "Gorbachev and his strategists are not true democrats and never will be. They remain committed to socialism and Communism. They are a new, smoother generation of revolutionaries who are using 'democratic' reforms as a new method, based on Leninist principles, of achieving final victory." Gorbachev's words and deeds Words and Deeds is the eleventh episode of the third season of House and the fifty-seventh episode overall. This episode concludes the Michael Tritter story arc that began in the episode Fools for Love. bear out Golitsyn's warning. Yet Gorbachev, Putin and company roll merrily on, assisted by what would seem to be the most unlikely accomplices.
On February 4, 1987, a high-level delegation from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR CFR
See: Cost and Freight
..... Click the link for more information.) visited Gorbachev in Moscow. Led by CFR chairman Peter G. Peterson, the group included Cyrus Vance, Henry Kissinger, Harold Brown, and Jeane Kirkpatrick. By this time, Gorbachev had already become close friends with Secretary of State George Shultz (CFR), later to become a board member of the Gorbachev Foundation. He also had already benefited immensely from glowing appraisals of his character, style and policies by the CFR-dominated media.
In his December 1988 address to the United Nations, Gorbachev voiced a familiar CFR refrain, stating that "further world progress is only possible through a search for universal human consensus as we move forward to a new world order." He went further in his famous 1992 "Churchill speech" in Fulton, Missouri, calling for "global government." To prevent "conflicts from developing into a worldwide conflagration," he said, we must put "certain national armed forces Narodowe Siły Zbrojne (English National Armed Forces, NSZ) was a part of the Polish resistance movement in World War II, fighting Nazi German occupation in General Government.
NSZ was created on September 20, 1942. It reached about 75,000 members. at the disposal of the Security Council, making them subordinate to the United Nations military command." The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times
Morning daily newspaper. Established in 1881, it was purchased and incorporated in 1884 by Harrison Gray Otis (1837–1917) under The Times-Mirror Co. (the hyphen was later dropped from the name). for May 7, 1992, got the headline right: "Gorbachev Backs World Government?'
After placing the Kremlin in the hands of Yeltsin and other supposed reformers, Gorbachev came on board the CFR "convergence" bandwagon fulltime. He was put in charge of the CFR-directed joint U.S.-Russian Global Security Project and then made a director of the Global Security Initiative. With the imprimatur of his CFR promoters, he was boosted to co-chairman of the Earth Charter Commission, made president of the new Green Cross International, and invited into the exclusive World Economic Forum. He has been showered with lavish corporate and foundation funding as well as priceless media propaganda for the activities of Green Cross, Foundation for the Development of Democracy and World Peace, Earth Charter Initiative The Earth Charter Initiative is the collective name for the extraordinarily diverse, global network of people, organizations, and institutions who participate in promoting the Earth Charter, and in implementing its principles in practice. , Gorbachev Foundation, and his many other enterprises.
His State of the World Forum soirees are graced by members of the CFR globalist elite such as Dwayne Andreas, Rupert Murdoch, George Soros George Soros
Born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1930, George Soros is considered by many to be one of the world's greatest investors. A famous hedge fund manager, Soros managed the Quantum Fund, a fund that achieved an average annual return of 30% from 1970-2000. , Zbigniew Brzezinski, Alan Cranston, Richard Falk, John Sweeney, and Colin Powell. Their investment of economic resources, influence and face time is well spent; Gorbachev is, arguably, one of the most successful advocates ever of the CFR's subversive twin objectives: U.S.-Russian convergence and transformation of the UN into an empowered world government.
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